Iterative Oblique Decision Trees Deliver Explainable RL Models Journal Article
In: Algorithms, vol. 16, no. 6, S. 282, 2023.
Sample-based Rule Extraction for Explainable Reinforcement Learning Proceedings Article
In: 8th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD2022), 2022.
Temporal convolutional autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection in time series Journal Article
In: Applied Soft Computing, vol. 112, S. 107751, 2021.
Shedding light into the black box of reinforcement learning - extended abstract Proceedings Article
In: Hammer, Barbara; Schilling, Malte; Wiskott, Laurenz (Hrsg.): Workshop on Trustworthy AI in the Wild (at: KI 2021 - German Conf. on AI), 2021.
Time Series Encodings with Temporal Convolutional Networks Proceedings Article
In: Vasile, Massimiliano; Filipic, Bogdan (Hrsg.): 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications (BIOMA), Bruxelles. Video (15 min) available at https://youtu.be/PjI4fpcTGFY, 2020.
Predictive Maintenance & Anomalie-Erkennung: Effiziente Instandhaltung mit Verfahren der KI Miscellaneous
Vortrag DEBRL2020 (Digital Exchange Bergisches Rheinland 2020), als Video über https://digital-xchange.de/streaming verfügbar, 2020.
Deep Learning mit Keras und Tensorflow Miscellaneous
Vortrag auf DEBRL2019 (Digital Exchange Bergisches Rheinland 2019), 2019.
Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiogram Readings with Stacked LSTM Networks Proceedings Article
In: Barancíková, Petra; Holena, Martin; others, (Hrsg.): Proc. 19th Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2019), 2019, (Best Paper Award).
Iterative Oblique Decision Trees Deliver Explainable RL Models Journal Article
In: Algorithms, vol. 16, no. 6, S. 282, 2023.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Multivariate Time Series Prediction and Anomaly Detection PhD Thesis
Leiden University and TH Köln, 2022, (PhD thesis).
LSTM-Netze in der Echtzeit-Gelenkwinkelbestimmung auf Basis von EMG-Sensoren mit einem im Cross-Platform-Framework MediaPipe erstellten Trainingsdatensatz Masters Thesis
TH Köln -- University of Applied Sciences, 2022, (Bachelor thesis).
Sample-based Rule Extraction for Explainable Reinforcement Learning Proceedings Article
In: 8th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD2022), 2022.
Temporal convolutional autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection in time series Journal Article
In: Applied Soft Computing, vol. 112, S. 107751, 2021.
Shedding light into the black box of reinforcement learning - extended abstract Proceedings Article
In: Hammer, Barbara; Schilling, Malte; Wiskott, Laurenz (Hrsg.): Workshop on Trustworthy AI in the Wild (at: KI 2021 - German Conf. on AI), 2021.
Time Series Encodings with Temporal Convolutional Networks Proceedings Article
In: Vasile, Massimiliano; Filipic, Bogdan (Hrsg.): 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications (BIOMA), Bruxelles. Video (15 min) available at https://youtu.be/PjI4fpcTGFY, 2020.
Predictive Maintenance & Anomalie-Erkennung: Effiziente Instandhaltung mit Verfahren der KI Miscellaneous
Vortrag DEBRL2020 (Digital Exchange Bergisches Rheinland 2020), als Video über https://digital-xchange.de/streaming verfügbar, 2020.
Deep Learning mit Keras und Tensorflow Miscellaneous
Vortrag auf DEBRL2019 (Digital Exchange Bergisches Rheinland 2019), 2019.
Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiogram Readings with Stacked LSTM Networks Proceedings Article
In: Barancíková, Petra; Holena, Martin; others, (Hrsg.): Proc. 19th Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2019), 2019, (Best Paper Award).