
Alle anzeigen


Konen, Wolfgang

Towards Learning Rubik's Cube with N-tuple-based Reinforcement Learning Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12167, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.3: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

TH Köln 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, GBG, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Games, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, GBG, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13307, 2022, (Preprint of the IEEE ToG 2022 paper).

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, GBG, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final adaptation reinforcement learning for N-player games Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14375, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, GBG, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games: The Importance of Final Adaptation Proceedings Article

In: Vasile, Massimiliano; Filipic, Bogdan (Hrsg.): 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications (BIOMA) , Bruxelles. Video (15 min) + slides available at, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.2: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining), Oct 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final Adaptation Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang

General Board Game Playing for Education and Research in Generic AI Game Learning Proceedings Article

In: Perez, Diego; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Lucas, Simon (Hrsg.): IEEE Conference on Games, London, 2019.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.0: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2019.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Thill, Markus; Däubner, Sina; Konen, Wolfgang; Bäck, Thomas

Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiogram Readings with Stacked LSTM Networks Proceedings Article

In: Barancíková, Petra; Holena, Martin; others, (Hrsg.): Proc. 19th Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2019), 2019, (Best Paper Award).

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: anomaly detection, deep learning, learning, LSTM, time series


Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Science, 2017, (e-print published at

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, general game playing, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Bagheri, Samineh; Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Online Adaptable Learning Rates for the Game Connect-4 Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 8, no. 1, S. 33-42, 2016, (accepted 11/2014).

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning for Board Games: The Temporal Difference Algorithm Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 2015.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning für Brettspiele: Der Temporal Difference Algorithmus Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Science, 2015, (Updated version 2015).

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning


Thill, Markus; Konen, Wolfgang

Connect-4 Game Playing Framework (C4GPF) Miscellaneous


Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang; Koch, Patrick

Adaptation in Nonlinear Learning Models for Nonstationary Tasks Proceedings Article

In: Bartz-Beielstein, T.; Filipic, B. (Hrsg.): PPSN'2014: 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Ljubljana, S. 292–301, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Bagheri, Samineh; Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Online Adaptable Learning Rates for the Game Connect-4 Technical Report

CIplus no. TR 03/2014, 2014, (Preprint version of the article in IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 2016).

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, optimization, reinforcement learning

Thill, Markus; Bagheri, Samineh; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Temporal Difference Learning with Eligibility Traces for the Game Connect-4 Proceedings Article

In: Preuss, Mike; Rudolph, Günther (Hrsg.): CIG'2014, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, Dortmund, S. 84 – 91, 2014.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning


Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement learning with n-tuples on the game Connect-4 Proceedings Article

In: Coello Coello, Carlos; Cutello, Vincenzo; others, (Hrsg.): PPSN'2012: 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Taormina, S. 184–194, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning, SOMA


Konen, Wolfgang

Self-configuration from a Machine-Learning Perspective Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Science, no. 05/11; arXiv: 1105.1951, 2011, ISSN: 2191-365X, (e-print published at and Dagstuhl Preprint Archive, Workshop 11181 "Organic Computing -- Design of Self-Organizing Systems").

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, parameter tuning, reinforcement learning, TDMR


Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Reinforcement learning for games: failures and successes -- CMA-ES and TDL in comparision Proceedings Article

In: GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, S. 2641–2648, ACM, Montreal, Québec, Canada, 2009.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, CMA, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Evolutionsstrategien und Reinforcement Learning für strategische Brettspiele Technical Report

Cologne University of Applied Sciences 2009.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Reinforcement Learning: Insights from Interesting Failures in Parameter Selection Proceedings Article

In: Rudolph, Günter; others, (Hrsg.): PPSN'2008: 10th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Dortmund, S. 478–487, Springer, Berlin, 2008.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning für Brettspiele: Der Temporal Difference Algorithmus Technical Report

Cologne University of Applied Sciences 2008.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning

Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Reinforcement Learning für strategische Brettspiele Technical Report

Cologne University of Applied Sciences 2008.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: CI, Game Learning, learning, reinforcement learning


Konen, Wolfgang; von der Malsburg, Christoph

Learning to generalize from single examples in the dynamic link architecture Book Section

In: Hinton, Geoffrey; Seynowski, Terrence J. (Hrsg.): Unsupervised Learning – Foundations of Neural Computation, S. 373–390, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999, (Reprint from [Konen, v.d. Malsburg, Neural Computation, 1993]).

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics

Würtz, Rolf P.; Konen, Wolfgang; Behrmann, Kay-Ole

On the performance of neuronal matching algorithms Journal Article

In: Neural Networks, vol. 12, S. 127-134, 1999.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics


Würtz, Rolf P.; Konen, Wolfgang; Behrmann, Kay-Ole

How fast can neuronal algorithms match patterns? Proceedings Article

In: von der Malsburg, Christoph; von Seelen, Werner (Hrsg.): International Conference on Artificial Neural Net­works (ICANN), North-Holland, 1996.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: learning, neuroinformatics


Konen, Wolfgang; von der Malsburg, Christoph

Learning to generalize from single examples in the dynamic link architecture Book Section

In: Buzsaki, G.; others, (Hrsg.): Temporal Coding in the brain, S. 205–220, Springer, New York, 1994, (Reprint from [Konen, v.d. Malsburg, Neural Computation, 1993]).

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics

Konen, Wolfgang; Maurer, Thomas; von der Malsburg, Christoph

A fast dynamic link matching algorithm for invariant pattern recognition Journal Article

In: Neural Networks, vol. 7, S. 1019-1030, 1994.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics


Doursat, René; Konen, Wolfgang; Lades, Martin; von der Malsburg, Christoph; Vorbrüggen, Jan C.; Wiskott, Laurenz; Würtz, Rolf P.

Neural mechanisms of elastic pattern matching Technical Report

Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum, no. IR-INI 93-01, 1993.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: computer vision, DLA, face recognition, learning, neuroinformatics

Konen, Wolfgang; von der Malsburg, Christoph

Learning to generalize from single examples in the dynamic link architecture Journal Article

In: Neural Computation, vol. 5, S. 719-735, 1993.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics


Konen, Wolfgang; von der Malsburg, Christoph

Unsupervised symmetry detection: A network which learns from single examples Proceedings Article

In: Aleksander, Igor (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), S. 121–125, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: DLA, learning, neuroinformatics



Alle anzeigen

35 Einträge « 1 von 4 »

Konen, Wolfgang

Towards Learning Rubik's Cube with N-tuple-based Reinforcement Learning Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12167, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.3: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

TH Köln 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Games, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13307, 2022, (Preprint of the IEEE ToG 2022 paper).

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final adaptation reinforcement learning for N-player games Journal Article

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14375, 2021.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games: The Importance of Final Adaptation Proceedings Article

In: Vasile, Massimiliano; Filipic, Bogdan (Hrsg.): 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications (BIOMA) , Bruxelles. Video (15 min) + slides available at, 2020.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.2: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining), Oct 2020.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final Adaptation Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2020.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang

General Board Game Playing for Education and Research in Generic AI Game Learning Proceedings Article

In: Perez, Diego; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Lucas, Simon (Hrsg.): IEEE Conference on Games, London, 2019.

Links | BibTeX


Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.0: General Board Game Playing and Learning Technical Report

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2019.

Links | BibTeX

35 Einträge « 1 von 4 »