The view from the top of the university building in Gummersbach.
Goal of this project was to document the changes of the Steinmüller area. The used webcam produces multiple pictures per hour. Some of these pictures are shown below as “Pictures of the day”. The actual picture is shown in section “Live stream”, which can only be accessed from the internal network. Therefore, a very recent picture is available instead of the live stream. The also shown weather data is taken from the meteorological station on the roof.
© Pictures and videos underlie the copyright law and are not free to use without permission from the KTDS lab.
Pictures of the day

(Accessible only from the internal network)
Ein Tag in Gummersbach - der Vortag im Zeitraffer.Credits
Project realisation:
Raphael Ahrens, Gregor Borzyszkowski und Rafael Kobinski (computer science students)
Dipl.-Kfm. Armin Schnieber (Fa. Contools)
Project support and supervision:
Dipl.-Ing Hans-Josef Bungart, Prof. Dr. Hans L. Stahl (KTDS Lab)
Availability notice:
The roof cam project is permanently evolving. Therefore, the availability of this service can be temporarily restricted.