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In der Woche vom 15.04.13 bis zum 19.04.13 hatten wir Besuch aus Norwegen, Herr Rolando Antonio Reye Gonzalez von der Nith-Universität in Oslo hielt einen HTML5 Workshop in englischer Sprache.


  • HTML 5 for creating webpages
  • CSS 3 animation techniques and responsive design
  • javascript and jQuery/Ajax for small web applications
  • query and retrieve new information to a page (in this case from XML-database).

Former Materials of the workshop: MaterialWebTechnologies

The workshops were very successfull and teached in an excellent and engaged manner. More than 90 persons took part in total. So these topics are very interesting for our students.Rolando_Gonzalez

New Version of the Materials

In new version of the materials you can find here: coding_html5_css3_jquery Rolando Gonzalez sent it from Oslo.