Guided Project Presentation Day – 19th July 2019

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Guided Project Presentation Day Friday,19.07.2019 Room 0503 09:00-10:00 Presentation of upcoming GP-Topics for WS 19/20 10:00-11:00 (Deutsch) Keynote API-sierung in gewachsenen Landschaften, am Beispiel der Versicherungswirtschaft; Björn Pasch, Senior Enterprise Architect, Zurich Versicherungen 11:15-11:45 SS19_A01 (English) Development of a Business Intelligence Lab 11:45-12:30 SS19_B02 (English) Forecast of academic success at university based on first-year performance Break…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

Guided Project Presentation Days 7./8. February 2019

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As you know, you need to provide peer feedback as a prerequisite to passing a Guided Project of your own. The GP Presentation Days on 7./8. Feb provide an excellent opportunity to do so. The agenda for the Guided Project Presentation Days on 7./8.2. has been finalized now: Please note that on Thursday, 07.02.19 the lecture…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

GP Presentation Day on Fr 05-October

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There will be a Presentation Day for Guided Projects on Friday, 05-October 2018, 9:00 – 12:15. Everyone is welcome. Note for GP participants: you need to peer-review other lectures in order for your own project to count, so this is a good opportunity! *** Am Freitag, 05-10-2018, 9:00 – 12:15, findet wieder ein Guided Project Presentation…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

Guided Projects WS 18/19: Proposals are out

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The Guided Project proposals for the Master Computer Science are out. We have selected the A projects in a public meeting with 17 participants (3 professors, 5 WMA, 9 students). Here are the proposals: Next important milestone is the project presentation on Fr 27.07. 9:00 in room 0503 (first agenda item for the GP…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

GP Presentation Day on Fr 27-July

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There will be a Presentation Day for Guided Projects on Friday, 27-July 2018, 9:00 – 18:00. Everyone is welcome. Note for GP participants: you need to peer-review other lectures in order for your own project to count, so this is a good opportunity! More details: *** Am Freitag, 27.07.2017 von 9:00 bis 18:00, findet wieder…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

Presentation Days “Guided Projects WS17/18”

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(German version below) The WS 17/18 Guided Projects will be presented (together with Media Informatics Master projects, and some other project presentations) on two Presentation Days in February and March: Fr, 16.02.2018, Room 0503 (Ferchau Building) Fr, 23.03.2018, Room 0503 (Ferchau Building) The detailed agenda can be found here: Presentations GP WS 17-18 updated Please note…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

Reader “Scientific Working in a Technical Context” Available

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(German text below.) For “Scientific Working in a Technical Context”, which is a 1CP-component of the “A” part of a Guided Projects Type A, there is now a Reader (download here from ILIAS) available. On page 3, you find a Learning Outcome describing the expected competences. The Reader is intended to complement the (optional) Scientific Writing course taught…

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects

Guided Projects SS2017: Presentation Dates

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Each participant of the computer science Master program is required to peer-review one other Guided Project for GP he/she is taking part in. Here is the schedule of presentations coming up this summer: GP SS 17, Presentations Dates Please make sure to attend – otherwise your GP participation doesn’t count as completed!

Posts Categorized: Guided Projects