Paper accepted by journal IEEE Transactions on Games

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We are happy to announce that our paper “AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time” (preprint available here on arXiv) finally got accepted by the internationally well known journal IEEE Transactions on Games. It was quite some work to answer all the good questions of the reviewers, but it was…

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses

Erzquell Award for Master Thesis in MONREP Project

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Ms. Samineh Bagheri has won the 3rd price in the annual Erzquell award with her master thesis „Efficient Surrogate Assisted Optimization for Constrained Black-Box Problems“. My most cordial congratulations to her! This thesis is part of the MONREP project (Model-based Optimization for Nonlinear, REstricted Production processes) and it was conducted under my supervision. Samineh Bagheri…

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses

DAAD price for Samineh Bagheri

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The DAAD price of Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) goes this year to  Campus Gummersbach. The Iranian master student Samineh Bagheri from the Master programme "Automation & IT" is awarded with this price. My cordial congratulations! More information on this year's DAAD price are found in the official press release of CUAS (in German)….

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses

CBC price 2013

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The 3. place of the CBC Price 2013 (500 Euro) goes to the Master thesis of Daniel Bertram (On variance reduction methods for accelaration-based 3D gesture data). My cordial congratulations to the winner! CBC is the Cologne Broadcasting Center, provider of IT services for the whole RTL group and other media companies.

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses

Opitz Innovation Price 2013

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The 1. place of the Opitz Innovation Price 2013 goes to the Bachelor thesis of Markus Thill (Reinforcement Learning with N-Tuple systems for Connect-4). My cordial congratulations to the winner! Read more  in this post on the CIplus webpage (Research Center)

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses

Opitz Innovation Price 2011

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The 3. place in the Opitz Innovation Price 2011 (1000 Euro) goes to Kristine Hein for her master thesis "Gesture recognition with Slow Feature Analysis (SFA)". My cordial congratulations to the winner! Read more in this press release (sorry, in German only)

Posts Categorized: Bachelor/Master Theses