I just received an info mail about the Artificial Intelligence Challenge,. Student teams can send in their contributions up to the deadline July, 4th, 2017. Sounds interesting! More infos under this link.
“Online Selection of Surrogate Models for Constrained Black-Box Optimization” at SSCI 2016
We are delighted to announce that our recent research work related to online model selection for constrained optimization has been accepted for publication and it will be presented at "IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence" (IEEE SSCI 2016). The SSCI 2016 conference will be held in Athens, Greece, from 6th to 9th of December, 2016. Many plenary…
New Combinatorics e-Learning Framework
There is a new combinatorics e-learning framework available at www.gm.fh-koeln.de/kombinatorik/en. This tool allows you to strenghen your combinatorics competence with a set of quiz questions. The combinatorics framework was developed by a student group under my supervision. We made a German and an English version, to facilitate the use of this e-learning framework for our…
Young Author Award for Samineh Bagheri
The 25th Workshop Computational Intelligence 2015, an annual conference held by Computational Intelligence (CI) Chapter of VDI-GMA (Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik) in Dortmund, has attributed the Young Author Award to Samineh Bagheri, PhD, scientific member of my research group at Campus Gummersbach. I am very happy for her and congratulate her cordially!
Young Author Award for Patrick Koch
The 24th Workshop Computational Intelligence 2014, an annual conference held by Computational Intelligence (CI) Chapter of VDI-GMA (Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik) in Dortmund, has attributed the Young Author Award to Patrick Koch, PhD, scientific member of my research group at Campus Gummersbach. I am very happy for him and congratulate him cordially!
CBC price 2013
The 3. place of the CBC Price 2013 (500 Euro) goes to the Master thesis of Daniel Bertram (On variance reduction methods for accelaration-based 3D gesture data). My cordial congratulations to the winner! CBC is the Cologne Broadcasting Center, provider of IT services for the whole RTL group and other media companies.
Opitz Innovation Price 2013

The 1. place of the Opitz Innovation Price 2013 goes to the Bachelor thesis of Markus Thill (Reinforcement Learning with N-Tuple systems for Connect-4). My cordial congratulations to the winner! Read more in this post on the CIplus webpage (Research Center)
Opitz Innovation Price 2011
The 3. place in the Opitz Innovation Price 2011 (1000 Euro) goes to Kristine Hein for her master thesis "Gesture recognition with Slow Feature Analysis (SFA)". My cordial congratulations to the winner! Read more in this press release (sorry, in German only)