Dataninja Closing Conference

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Time flies... It wasn't that long ago (or at least it feels like it) that I wrote a blog post about the first Dataninja Retreat. Now we already held the closing conference of the Dataninja project. From Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th we had the pleasure to enjoy three days of science and meetups at...

Visiting the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Vancouver

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In the last week of February, my RL3 Dataninja colleague Moritz Lange and I had the chance to visit the AAAI conference on AI 2024. Listening to Yann LeCun in person speak about the challenges of machine learning was inspiring and attending Moritz' presentation of our collaborative work "Interpretable Brain-Inspired Representations Improve RL Performance on...

Dataninja-Tandem wins Best Paper Award at LOD 2023 conference

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Our participation in this year's edition of the LOD conference, as previously announced in one of our blog post, proved to be an exceptionally enjoyable experience. The systematic evaluation of auxiliary tasks in reinforcement learning published in “Improving Reinforcement Learning Efficiency with Auxiliary Tasks in Non-Visual Environments: A Comparison” by first author Moritz Lange (Dataninja-colleague...

TH Köln presents at IEEE CONFERENCE ON GAMES (CoG) 2019, London, UK

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   Wolfgang Konen presented his work on General Board Game Playing at CoG'2019, the Conference on Games, which took place between 20-23 of August in London, UK. You can find the poster here and the accompanying paper here on arXiv. The General Board Game (GBG) Playing Framework is about computer agents that learn game strategies...