
+++ Update 10/2020: FutureWorkGBG: Project themes in GBG for students (PDF) +++

(see also: GBG: General Board Games in CIOP )

Games are interesting in computer science concerning the question whether a computer can learn the game strategies just from self-play, without explicitly programming the tactics or performing exhaustive search. This is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI). Many game learning approaches are based on reinforcement learning, namely TD-learning.

In our research group we have studied extensively the game Connect-4 ("Four-in-a-Row"). We were able to develop an agent which learns Connect-4 nearly perfectly just from self-play. Our Java-based Connect-4 Game Playing Framework (C4GPF) is open-source for interested researchers. Read more...


In January'2018 we released Gameboard Hex in GBGGBG, the General Board Game playing and learning framework to the research community as another open-source project.


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The long-term goal of our research group is it to transfer these learning strategies to many other games (dots-and-boxes, go, Poker, checkers, Abalone, Sim, Othello, ...). The project is related to the research field known as General Game Playing (GGP). The aim of GGP is it to develop agents which are able to learn a great variety of games.



Wolfgang Konen, Markus Thill, Samineh Bagheri, Johannes Kutsch, Kevin Galitzki, Felix Barsnick, Julian Cöln, Yannick Dittmar, Johannes Scheiermann



Konen, Wolfgang

Towards Learning Rubik's Cube with N-tuple-based Reinforcement Learning Artikel

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12167, 2023.

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Seven, Meltem

KI-Agenten im Vergleich: Erfolg von Agenten des Ludii General Game Systems in Partien gegen perfekte oder starke Agenten am Beispiel der Spiele Vier Gewinnt, Nim und Othello Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2023, (Bachelor thesis).

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Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.3: General Board Game Playing and Learning Forschungsbericht

TH Köln 2022.

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Weitz, Ann

Untersuchung von selbstlernenden Reinforcement Learning Agenten im computergenerierten Spiel Yavalath Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2022, (Bachelor thesis).

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Weitz, Ann

Entwicklung einer allgemeinen Schnittstelle zwischen Ludii und dem GBG Framework Forschungsbericht

2022, (Praxisprojekt).

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Cöln, Julian

KI-Konzepte für das Erlernen nicht-deterministischer Spiele am Beispiel von "EinStein würfelt nicht!" Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2022, (Bachelor thesis).

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Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Artikel

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13307, 2022, (Preprint of the IEEE ToG 2022 paper).

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Scheiermann, Johannes; Konen, Wolfgang

AlphaZero-Inspired Game Learning: Faster Training by Using MCTS Only at Test Time Artikel

In: IEEE Transactions on Games, 2022.

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Meissner, Simon

Untersuchung des Spiel- und Lernerfolgs künstlicher Intelligenzen für ein nichtdeterministisches Spiel mit imperfekten Informationen: Blackjack in der Game-Learning-Umgebung ’General Board Game’ (GBG) Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2021, (Bachelor thesis).

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Zeh, Tim

Untersuchung von allgemeinen KI-Agenten für das Spiel Poker im General Board Games Framework Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2021, (Master thesis).

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Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final adaptation reinforcement learning for N-player games Artikel

In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14375, 2021.

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Scheiermann, Johannes

Sind (trainierte) General-Purpose-RL-Agenten im Brettspiel Othello stärker als (untrainierte) General-Game-Playing Agenten? Forschungsbericht

TH Köln, Institut für Informatik 2020, (Praxisprojekt).

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Scheiermann, Johannes

AlphaZero-inspirierte KI-Agenten im General Board Game Playing Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln -- University of Applied Sciences, 2020, (Bachelor thesis).

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Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games: The Importance of Final Adaptation Proceedings Article

In: Vasile, Bogdan Filipic Massimiliano (Hrsg.): 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications (BIOMA), Bruxelles, 2020.

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Konen, Wolfgang; Bagheri, Samineh

Final Adaptation Reinforcement Learning for N-Player Games Forschungsbericht

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2020.

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Konen, Wolfgang

The GBG Class Interface Tutorial V2.2: General Board Game Playing and Learning Forschungsbericht

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) 2020.

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Cöln, Julian; Dittmar, Yannick

Untersuchung von KI Agenten im Spiel Othello Forschungsbericht

TH Köln, Institut für Informatik 2019.

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Konen, Wolfgang

General Board Game Playing for Education and Research in Generic AI Game Learning Proceedings Article

In: Perez, Diego; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Lucas, Simon (Hrsg.): IEEE Conference on Games, London, 2019.

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Barsnick, Felix

Implementierung und Untersuchung eines Turniersystems für KI-Agenten in Brettspielen Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln -- University of Applied Sciences, 2019, (Master thesis).

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Galitzki, Kevin

Selbstlernende Agenten für das skalierbare Spiel Hex: Untersuchung verschiedener KI-Verfahren im GBG-Framework Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln -- University of Applied Sciences, 2017, (Bachelor thesis).

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Kutsch, Johannes

KI-Agenten fur das Spiel 2048: Untersuchung von Lernalgorithmen für nichtdeterministische Spiele Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln -- University of Applied Sciences, 2017, (Bachelor thesis).

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Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning for Board Games: The Temporal Difference Algorithm Forschungsbericht

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 2015.

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Bagheri, Samineh; Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Online Adaptable Learning Rates for the Game Connect-4 Artikel

In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Bd. (accepted 11/2014), S. 1, 2015.

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Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning für Brettspiele: Der Temporal Difference Algorithmus Forschungsbericht

Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence, Optimization and Data Mining) Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 2015, (Updated version 2015).

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Bagheri, Samineh; Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Online Adaptable Learning Rates for the Game Connect-4 Forschungsbericht

CIplus Nr. TR 03/2014, 2014, (Preprint version of the article in IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 2015).

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Konen, Wolfgang; Koch, Patrick

Adaptation in Nonlinear Learning Models for Nonstationary Tasks Proceedings Article

In: Filipic, Bogdan (Hrsg.): PPSN'2014: 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Ljubljana, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.

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Thill, Markus; Bagheri, Samineh; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Temporal Difference Learning with Eligibility Traces for the Game Connect-4 Proceedings Article

In: Preuss, Mike; Rudolph, Günther (Hrsg.): CIG'2014, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, Dortmund, 2014.

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Thill, Markus; Konen, Wolfgang

Connect-4 Game Playing Framework (C4GPF) Sonstige


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Thill, Markus

Reinforcement Learning mit N-Tupel-Systemen für Vier Gewinnt Abschlussarbeit

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, 2012, (Bachelor thesis, 1st prize in Opitz award 2013, Festo award 2012, Ferchau award 2012).

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Thill, Markus; Koch, Patrick; Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement learning with n-tuples on the game Connect-4 Proceedings Article

In: Coello, Carlos A. Coello; Cutello, Vincenzo (Hrsg.): PPSN'2012: 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Taormina, S. 184–194, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.

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Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Reinforcement learning for games: failures and successes -- CMA-ES and TDL in comparision Proceedings Article

In: GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, S. 2641–2648, ACM, Montreal, Québec, Canada, 2009.

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Konen, Wolfgang

Reinforcement Learning für Brettspiele: Der Temporal Difference Algorithmus Forschungsbericht

Cologne University of Applied Sciences 2008.

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Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas

Reinforcement Learning für strategische Brettspiele Forschungsbericht

Cologne University of Applied Sciences 2008.

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