New Technical Report on Temporal Difference Learning for Games

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A new technical report on temporal difference (TD) learning for games and "self-play" algorithms for game-agent training is available. This report by Wolfgang Konen features a gentle introduction to TD learning for game play and gives hints for the practioner on the implementation of such algorithms . It shows the references to the most recent...

Posts nach Kategorien: Publications

A New Repair Method For Constrained Optimization

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Many real-world optimization problems are dealing with constraints. The valid solution for constrained optimization problems (COP) lies somewhere in the feasible region which is a sub-set of the input-space. The borders of the feasible area are defined by one or many constraints. Existance of constraints makes the optimization problems more demanding. There are different approaches to...

Posts nach Kategorien: Publications

How slow is slow? SFA detects signals that are slower than the driving force

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Publication: Wolfgang Konen, Patrick Koch, How slow is slow? SFA detects signals that are slower than the driving force, In: B. Filipic, J. Silc (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, BIOMA 2010, May 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Posts nach Kategorien: Publications