SAMCO: Surrogate-Assisted Multi-Criteria Optimization

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SAMCO workshop took place from February 29, 2016 till March 4, 2016 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, The Netherlands. In this workshop many researchers and PhD students who are active in the field of surrogate assisted multi criteria optimization were invited. Among the participants there were three PhD students (Martin Zaefferer, Martina Friese, Samineh Bagheri) from Cologne...

Modeling and Optimization Seminar at Leiden University

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The research group supervised by Prof. Wolfgang Konen from TH Köln has a collaboration with the Natural Computing group (head: Prof. Thomas H.W. Bäck) of the LIACS Computer Science department at Leiden University. On October,16th, 2015, a seminar took place in Leiden, Netherlands, in which both groups presented their recent research works.

GECCO 2015 Conference, Madrid, Spain

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                This year GECCO took place in Madrid on 11-15 of July. Many interesting tutorials and workshops were presented in this conference. On 14th of July we presented our paper about a new repair method for constrained optimization. You can download the presentation slides from here.  

SACOBRA package now available on CRAN!

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                We are glad to inform you that SACOBRA package is now available on CRAN.  SACOBRA package performs surrogate-assisted optimization by utilizing radial basis function interpolation. SACOBRA solver is a derivative-free optimizer appropriate to address constrained expensive optimization problems.

A New Repair Method For Constrained Optimization

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Many real-world optimization problems are dealing with constraints. The valid solution for constrained optimization problems (COP) lies somewhere in the feasible region which is a sub-set of the input-space. The borders of the feasible area are defined by one or many constraints. Existance of constraints makes the optimization problems more demanding. There are different approaches to...

DAAD prize for Samineh Bagheri

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The DAAD prize of Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) goes this year to  Campus Gummersbach. The Iranian master student Samineh Bagheri from the Master programme "Automation & IT" is awarded with this prize. Cordial congratulations! © Schmülgen/FH Köln   More information on this year's DAAD prize are found in the official press release of CUAS (in German)....

Young Author Award for Patrick Koch

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The 24th Workshop Computational Intelligence 2014, an annual conference held by Computational Intelligence (CI) Chapter of VDI-GMA (Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik) in Dortmund, has attributed the Young Author Award to Patrick Koch, PhD, scientific member of my research group at Campus Gummersbach. I am very happy for him and congratulate him cordially!

Prize for CIOP Bachelor Thesis in Reinforcement Learning

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Mr. Markus Thill has won the first price in the 2012 OPITZ CONSULTING “Innovation in Informatics” contest. Many congratulations from the CIOP team!! Mr. Thill’s thesis advanced the state of the art in reinforcement learning for complex board games, here Connect Four. Read more about his work on this page. 

TDMR Package V 0.9.0 Released on CRAN

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The CIOP team is proud to announce that the latest version (V 0.9.0, February 2013) of the Tuned Data Mining in R (TDMR) package is now available for download on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Download the new released version from this link.   

Prof. Michael Emmerich, Leiden University, gives a talk at Campus GM

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Title: Self-Adaptive Algorithms for Finding Robust Optima: Promises and Limitations Time:   Fr., Oct, 26th, 2012, 11:00-11:45, Place: Room 0.214   Abstract: Many problems in engineering design deal with locating optimal parameter configurations for systems. Evolution strategies provide a robust framework for this. This talk deals with the question of how we can find optima that...