Publications | Research interests | ![]() |
Short CV
- born 1962 in Düsseldorf.
- Abitura 1980.
- Dipl.-Phys., University Mainz, 1986.
- Guest scientist at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1989.
- Dr. rer.nat., University Mainz, Physics and Mathematics, 1990.
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Neuroinformatics Institute), Head of Research Group “Pattern Recognition in Neuronal Architecture”, 1990-1993.
- ZN AG (now Idemia Digital Solutions), Bochum, Head of Image and Signal Analysis Group, 1994-2000.
- Thinking Networks AG, Bochum and Aachen, Head of Data Mining, 2000-2004.
- HS Düsseldorf, Interim Professor for Computer Science, 2003-2004.
- NuTech Solutions GmbH (now divis GmbH), Dortmund, senior scientific advisor, 2004-2008.
- TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Professor for Applied Informatics and Mathematics, since 2004.
Memberships and Functions
- Member of GMA Expert Group 5.14 Computational Intelligence
- Member of ACM SIGEVO Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
- Member of Research Center CIplus (Computational Intelligence plus) at Cologne University of Applied Sciences (since 2012)
- Member of Research Center CIOP (Computational Intelligence & Optimization) at Faculty 10 , Cologne University of Applied Sciences, (since 2011)
- Member of Research Center COSA (Computational Services in Automation) at Cologne University of Applied Sciences (2008-2012)
- Member of the program committee BIOMA’2020 (Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and their Applications, Bruxelles)
- Member of the program committee PPSN’2020 (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Leiden)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2019 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Prague)
- Member of the program committee & workshop organizer ECDA’2018 (European Conference on Data Analysis, Paderborn)
- Member of the program committee BIOMA’2018 (Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and their Applications, Paris)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2018 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Kyoto)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2017 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Berlin)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2016 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Denver, Colorado)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2015 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Madrid, Spain)
- Member of the program committee SKILL’2015 (Studierendenkonferenz Informatik, Cottbus)
- Member of the dissertation (PhD) committee: Universiteit Leiden (Patrick Koch, 2013)
- Member of the program committee ECDA’2013 (European Conference on Data Analysis, Luxembourg)
- Member of the program committee PPSN’2010 (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Krakau)
- Member of the program committee GECCO’2009 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Montreal, Canada)
- Member of the program committee PPSN’2008 (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Dortmund)
- Reviewer for several scientific institutions: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Reviewer for leading international journals: Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), IEEE Transactions on Games (ToG), IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG), IEEE TNNLS, Neural Networks, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
Memberships and Functions at TH Köln
- Managing director of the Cologne Institute of Computer Science (since 2019)
- Head of appointment committee “Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)” (2020/21)
- Member of the gender equality committee at TH Köln (2017 – 2022)
- Laboratory head of the Mathematics laboratory at the Cologne Institute of Computer Science (since 2006)
- Festo-Bildungsfonds representative at Faculty 10, Cologne University of Applied Sciences (2010 – 2020)
- Head of appointment committee “Applied Mathematics” (2013/14)
- Head of appointment committee “Mathematics and Applied Computer Science” (2008)
- Assistant head of appointment committee “Applied Mathematics” (2005/06)
- Member of the faculty council at Faculty 10, Cologne University of Applied Sciences (2006 – 2018)
Hobbies – Jazz
(one of the hobbies I deeply like to pursue, if time permits… 🙂 )
- Saturday, 17. Juni 2023: 6. WZK (WohnZimmerKonzert), Bochum, KTTK-Quartett (Kühn-Theurer-Theurer-Konen-Quartett with Milan Kühn (ts), Janis Theurer (b), Martin Theurer (dr), Wolfgang Konen (p), compositions by Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Milan Kühn, Martin Theuer u.a.m.
- Saturday, 12. Oct. 2019: 5. WZK (WohnZimmerKonzert), Bochum, Wolfgang Konen Quartett “Tetra-Pack” feat. Kalle Giese (voc), Helmut Böttcher (p), Martin Theurer (dr), Wolfgang Konen (p). Compositions by Chick Corea, John Lennon, Tim Richards, Herbie Hancock, Joe Henderson u.a.m.
- Saturday, 29. Sep. 2017: 4. WZK (WohnZimmerKonzert), Bochum, Wolfgang Konen Trio feat. Kalle Giese (voc), compositions by Thelonius Monk, Mongo Santamaria, Chick Corea, Wes Montgomery and others
- two pieces for listening under this link in my dropbox
- Thursday, 18. Oct. 2015, 18 Uhr: Concert in “Haus Witten”, compositions by Herbie Hancock et al.
- Sunday, 29. Sep. 2013: „Summertime in Autumn“, Lutherhaus, with Saskia Bordemann (voc), Fabian Siebold (dr) & Wolfgang Konen (p)
- Saturday, 29. Oct. 2011: 3. WZK, Bochum, Wolfgang Konen Trio feat. Uwe Kranz (g), compositions by Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea & Wes Montgomery
- Sunday, 26. Sep. 2010: “Jazz meets Lukas” mit Marcus Brinkmann (b), Sigi Kühn (voc), Wolfgang Konen (p), percussive classics & jazz
- Sunday, 26. June 2010: 2. WZK, Bochum, Wolfgang Konen Trio feat Leonardo Vargas (pos), compositions by Paul Desmond, Chick Corea und Antonio Jobim
- Sunday, 11. April 2010: “Vocalisen – Wem Gesang gegeben” with Denise Rekowski & Wolfgang Konen Trio, Almuth Keller & Stefan Mross Trio
- Sunday, 21. June 2009: 1. WZK, Bochum, Wolfgang Konen Trio, compositions by Wayne Shorter, Chick Corea and Antonio Jobim
- Tuesday, 9. Dec. 2008: “Full House!” Big Band, public rehearsal
- Sunday, 4. May 2008: JazzLabor Witten, with Wolfgang Konen Trio, compositions by Wayne Shorter