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Semester Orientation “Master Informatik / Computer Science”: Monday, 23rd March 2020, 3:00 p.m.
Specializations: Information Systems & Software Engineering

How to join

Virtual Meeting:

Just click the link and follow the instructions to participate in the meeting. Due to the number of participants we won’t have an audio back channel (so you are muted automatically). But you can ask questions during the meeting by typing them into the questions panel in the GoToWebinar software.

About the Semester Start

Unfortunately, we are currently not able to discuss a detailed planning of the coming semester. There are many uncertainties due to the Corona crisis. Nevertheless, in the semester orientation the program managers would like to explain the further procedure and recommended communication channels that our Master’s students stay up-to-date in the coming weeks.

If students are not able to attend: All students enrolled should have access to our learning platform ILIAS. Please login and register the course „_General Information Master Inf CompSc“.

All slides will be uploaded and the mailing list of this course will used to inform about organizational issues in the upcoming weeks. Furthermore the ILIAS-forum of this course can be used for discussion and questions.

Hint: A registration for first-year modules prior to the orientation meeting is not necessary.