We won the Best Paper Award at the EGSR 2016

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Our project Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering won the “Best Paper Award” at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) conference 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. We presented an algorithm to reduce the shading costs in high-resolution, high-field of view setups, such as head mounted displays for virtual reality. The algorithm selects a subsample set of pixels to shade and…

Our work on Adaptive Image-Space Sampling has been accepted to EGSR

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Our work “Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering” has been accepted at EGSR 2016 and will be presented on Friday 24th of June. Michael Stengel, Steve Grogorick, Martin Eisemann, and Marcus Magnor: “Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering”, in Proc. Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques (EGSR), vol. 35, no. 4 Abstract: With ever-increasing display resolution…

Courses in Summer Term 2016

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I offer the following courses in the upcoming SS 2016, for more details click on “Teaching” or take a look at the HOPS system:   Computergrafik und Animation 2 (WPF for bachelor students of MI and AI) The course will investigate advanced CG algorithms and data structures The course will be given as a block course…

We won the Best Student Paper Award at the Graphics Interface 2015

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Our project Visibility sweeps for joint-hierarchical importance sampling of direct lighting for stochastic volume rendering won the “Best Student Paper Award” at the Graphics Interface conference 2015 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We presented a visibility estimation method in concert with an importance-sampling technique for efficient and unbiased stochastic volume rendering. Our solution relies on a joint strategy, which…

We won the Best Student Paper Award at the ACM Multimedia 2015

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Our project An Affordable Solution for Binocular Eye Tracking and Calibration in Head-mounted Displays won the “Best Student Paper Award” at the ACM Multimedia Conference 2015 in Brisbane, Australia. We presented an integrated eye-tracking solution for a personalizable head-mounted display for virtual reality applications. The system is a low-cost solution without limiting the field-of-view. Freely adjustable lenses…

Beginn der Veranstaltung Einführung in die Medieninformatik WS 2015/2016

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Die erste Veranstaltung wird am 06.10. um 13 Uhr statt. Bitte beachten Sie Ihre Gruppeneinteilung. Falls Sie ihre Gruppe nicht wissen, melden Sie sich bitte bei Fr. Christiane Grünloh ( christiane.gruenloh@th-koeln.de ). Gruppe 1 – Hartmann – 3109 (Seminarraum) Gruppe 2 – Noss – 3110 (Seminarraum) Gruppe 3 – Kohls – 3209 (TI Labor) Gruppe 4…