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I offer the following courses in the upcoming SS 2016, for more details click on “Teaching” or take a look at the HOPS system:


  • Computergrafik und Animation 2 (WPF for bachelor students of MI and AI)

    • The course will investigate advanced CG algorithms and data structures
    • The course will be given as a block course from 29.03.-01.04.2016
  • 3D Movie Production in Theory and Practice (WPF for MMI)

    • A look behind the scenes and algorithms of 3D movie production, you will also produce your own during the course
  • Visualistik (mandatory for MMI)

    • Learn why visualizations can be so intriguing or why not and build your own to present your data to others
  • Theoretische Informatik 2 (mandatory for MI and AI)

    • It seems we can do anything with our computers, but is this really true?